Ethics & responsibility

Link Logistics' customers and stakeholders rely on us to operate with the utmost integrity. That’s why our ethics and responsibility are rooted in accountability and transparency. In collaboration with Link’s board of directors, we create clearly defined commitments to guide and monitor performance and compliance. The tools we use include a formalized code of ethics, a vendor code of conduct, implementing climate risk assessments for new acquisitions, and reporting ESG progress and priorities in all board books.

Ethics guidelines

Instruments that help steer our actions and bring our values to life include: We are committed to complying with all applicable laws and conducting our business to the highest ethical standards. If you encounter otherwise, please contact our ethics hotline at 844-860-8278 or visit linklogistics.ethicspoint.comWe welcome all good faith comments and complaints.


  • Annual reporting through GRESB, CDP, SASB and TCFD
  • Alignment with GRI
  • Annual sustainability reports